Frequently Asked Questions
About Our Company and Pool Maintenance Services
A CPO license permits an individual to maintain pool chemistry on a commercial pool. A CPC license permits a company to make repairs to all residential and commercial pool equipment. A CPO without a CPC license is not permitted to make repairs to residential or commercial pool equipment in the State of Florida
Yes, Gulf Pool Service will work with you to adjust your seasonal pool service needs. We can switch service plans to biweekly during the colder months or even to Chemical and Filter Only plans if you cover your pool in the winter.
Yes, Gulf Pool Service will schedule hurricane and storm debris but this service is not considered regular service. Additional charges will apply.
In the event that inclement weather that may include lightning, technicians will not perform pole work. This is for the safety of the technician as well as your property. You will be charged a reduced rate for this visit.
No. Gulf Pool Service does not provide you a contract to sign. You may cancel service at any time.
Salt pools may use more chemistry than "chlorine" pools depending on type and size of pool. Salt generator cells also require periodic cleaning to keep the system running efficiently.
Yes. If the pool is in a maintained condition cleaning can be arranged. If the pool is in bad shape a cleanup fee can be arranged. Please give us one week’s notice we will gladly put you on the route for the duration of your time away from home.
Yellow algae is very prominent when there is lots of trees debris after wind storms. Yellow algae is resistant to chlorine and requires different pool chemistry and numerous visits to eliminate.
Typically, a home owner should have the sand removed and replaced in a sand filter every five to seven years. Sometimes it may be wise to replace the internal plumbing of the filter (the laterals) while the sand is out as that is the only time the laterals can be replaced, though this is not necessary with every sand change. You may also need to have the diverter valve (the valve on top or on the side of the sand filter) looked at closely as well as the O-rings and gaskets as this may be all that is required for this issue. If the diverter valve or gaskets are bad than water is not being filtered at 100%.