Pool Repair
Services in Florida
Florida Code Requires: All repairs and services that involve plumbing or electrical work on pools must be done by a licensed pool contractor. Gulf Pool Service LLC is a State of Florida Licensed Service and Repair Contractor CPC 1458054. Our Florida State License allows Gulf Pool Service to make repairs in any county or municipality in the State of Florida. Pool Service providers with certifications only are NOT licensed contractors. A certification is NOT the same thing as a license. Pool service providers with certifications are qualified to do basic pool service such as cleaning the pool and filters, adjusting pool water chemistry.
Repairs and Replacements Services
- Pumps
- Motors
- Pool Plumbing
- Gas and Propane Heaters
- Filters
- Cleaners
- Valves
- Salt Systems
- Chlorination Systems
- Lighting

What is the difference between a CPC license and CPO certificate?
A CPO certificate permits an individual to maintain pool chemistry on a commercial pool. A CPC license permits a company to make repairs to all residential and commercial pool equipment. A CPO without a CPC license is not permitted to make repairs to residential or commercial pool equipment in the State of Florida.